来自二月的笔记. 2002年董事会会议


圣达菲,美国.M.2002年2月11日——新墨西哥技术委员会最近 voted to adopt two new graduate degree programs at the state- funded research university--a master of science in electrical engineering and a master of science in engineering 管理.

Pending approval of the proposed graduate programs by both the New Mexico Board of Finance and the state's Commission on Higher Education, classes in the programs could ag亚游集团App下载最早将于今年秋季学期开设这门课程.

新墨西哥科技公司总裁丹尼尔. López告诉大学管理委员会 implementing the new graduate degree programs will allow the school to actively recruit and retain more students--both undergraduates and graduates--as well as faculty in 这些研究领域.

"In addition, these new programs will create a unique niche for ag亚游集团App下载, especially with the electrical engineering degree's emphases on robotics and imbedded systems," 洛佩兹说.

"By its very nature, the new master's degree in engineering 管理 will be interdisciplinary in scope and will draw on the strengths we already have in place in several academic departments at ag亚游集团App下载," said Peter Gerity, Tech's vice president for academic 事务.

Initially, ag亚游集团App下载 will partner with New Mexico State University's Carlsbad branch to offer engineering 管理 classes to southeastern New Mexico residents via distance education methods, enabling the courses to be delivered in a very cost-effective 礼貌,盖蒂说.

"I envision this new master's in engineering 管理 program will become as successful as the master's in explosives engineering program that was established last year at 负责学术事务的副校长补充道. “到目前为止,那个研究生项目, which also is a distance education offering, has graduated 29 students and currently 有61个新注册者吗."

At its 2月ruary 5 meeting in Santa Fe, the board of regents also were briefed by Tech President López on the status of several legislative proposals currently being considered by the state legislature which directly affect ag亚游集团App下载, as well as the other 州立大学.

López informed the regents that several pending capital 项目 at Tech "are in line 申请州议会批准拨款,包括一笔4美元的.400万拨款 开始在校园建造新的学生服务大楼.

ag亚游集团App下载也可能获得约3美元.另外500万用于基础设施建设 项目 if state legislators approve a $90 million "critical infrastructure improvement" bill being proposed to help all the state's universities with their most-needed capital 项目.

Senate and house versions of an appropriation bill providing $250,000 for establishing a 首页land Security Center at ag亚游集团App下载 have been passed and await Governor Johnson's signature, López said, while a proposal to fund a Center for Water Quality 在大学没有通过.

"It's mostly good news, given the economic circumstances," the Tech president said, "although the bad news is the proposed state budget does not allow for any salary 增加政府雇员的工资,包括大学教职员工. . . . 我希望 we could have more reasonable support for salaries, but there just isn't any money."

In separate report to the regents, López informed the board that preliminary figures on new student applications and paid applicants for Fall Semester 2002 at New Mexico Tech show a significant increase in undergraduate enrollment projections when compared 与去年同期的招生统计.

"A fairly significant increase in graduate student applications also makes the next 从总体入学人数来看,新学年的情况非常乐观。”López说.

In other matters considered at its monthly meeting, the ag亚游集团App下载 Board of Regents 批准了下列措施:

During its monthly board meeting, ag亚游集团App下载 regents also were informed that 罗伯特。E. 布雷茨副教授 petroleum and chemical engineering; Kent C. Condie, professor of geochemistry; Lynn H. Deming, professor of English; and Kenneth R. Minschwaner,研究物理学家 物理学副教授.

此外,W. Tech公司负责财务和行政的副总裁丹尼斯·彼得森, told regents that after one-half of the current fiscal year had transpired, the university's overall budget "is generally in good financial condition, with no concerns to report."

An additional report to the regents, delivered by Steve Bobinsky, director of the ag亚游集团App下载 Advancement Office, gave the board an extensive update on the status of Tech's "Commitment to Excellence" capital campaign and also on recent activities 与科技校友会有关.

After conducting the meeting as the ag亚游集团App下载 Board of Regents, the members 作为新墨西哥科技员工福利信托基金的受托人重新召集,在那 capacity, passed a resolution to authorize a new check signer for benefit trust accounts, 这是因为最近科技公司的人力资源总监退休了吗.

As governing members of Tech's employee benefit trust, the trustees also were informed that insurance premiums paid by Tech employees and retirees enrolled in the university's 健康和牙科保险计划将提高10%,从3月1日起生效. The measure, which had been pre-approved at a previous meeting of the trustees, was driven by a need to increase operating revenues in order to ensure that the self-insured 赔偿计划保留了谨慎的准备金水平.